Monday, 28 September 2020

Engineering Mechanics Tuition Class

BTech Engineering Mechanics Tuition Class

 Join The Best BTech Engineering Mechanics Tuition Class In Delhi, Noida. The objective of the paper is to give the basic principles of mechanic applied in different disciplines of engineering.

Force system: Free body diagram, Parallel force system, concurrent force system, Equilibrium equations and
applications in different force systems.
Friction: Static and Kinetic friction, laws of dry friction, co-efficient of friction, angle of friction, angle of repose, cone of friction, Belt drive- derivation of equation and its application, M.A, V.R and Efficiency of Screw Jack, Application of friction in pivot and collar bearing.

Structure: Plane truss, perfect and imperfect truss, assumption in the truss analysis, analysis of perfect plane
trusses by the method of joints, method of section, graphical method.
Distributed Force: Determination of center of gravity, center of mass and centroid by direct integration and by
the method of composite bodies, mass moment of inertia and area moment of inertia by direct integration and
composite bodies method, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem, Pappus theorems, polar moment of inertia.

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