Showing posts with label Higher Mathe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Higher Mathe. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

101 Binomial Theorem Sample Questions


The binomial theorem (or binomial expansion) describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial. According to the theorem, it is possible to expand the polynomial (x + y)n into a sum involving terms of the form axbyc, where the exponents b and c are non-negative integers with b + c = n, and the coefficient a of each term is a specific positive integer depending on n and b. For example (for n = 4),

According to the theorem,

it is possible to expand any non-negative power of (x + y) into a sum of the form —

(x+y)^{n}={n \choose 0}x^{n}y^{0}+{n \choose 1}x^{n-1}y^{1}+{n \choose 2}x^{n-2}y^{2}+\cdots +{n \choose n-1}x^{1}y^{n-1}+{n \choose n}x^{0}y^{n},

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